Maximize reach, minimize cost
Digitize and distribute advertising leaflets automatically without creation work.
These clients have gone before you
More than 200 customers use our technology
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More revenue with less cost
With the Dynamic Grid, a product feed becomes an advertising flyer. In your own house style, with fast time-to-market and great reach.
24/7 online presence
A current advertising brochure every week.
No physical folder, no problem
Just need a feed to get started.
Own brand
The advertising flyer in your own house style.
Relevant offers
No no-selling and quick response to the market.
How it works
Torque feed
Use a feed with current information as the basis for a Dynamic Grid advertising flyer.
Own house style, own advertising brochure
The setup of the Dynamic Grid consists of creating templates in your own corporate style.
Publish & convert
Reach shoppers on your own channels and major collection sites to generate more (online) shopping visits.
Distribute a weekly Dynamic Grid flyer on major platforms
An automated process and high-performing digital advertising brochure.
An automatic advertising brochure in 7 countries
Scale up a dynamic advertising flyer distributed in multiple countries.
All drugstore deals from weekly on all major platforms
As an E-tailer without a physical brochure yet present with advertising flyers.