Dashboard manual


Quick insight into weekly reach of your advertising flyers.



Quick insight into weekly reach of your advertising flyers


Compare the numbers from the last completed week to the week before. Measure reach across channels and see how you are performing compared to the previous week. Compare the CTR per channel and see the top 3 most clicked pages.

Range per channel

Get insight into your leaflet reach. Discover trend lines and monitor the reach of different leaflet platforms in one place. The KPIs on the left are interactive. By clicking these buttons you can see Gross reach (impressions), Net reach (visits), CTR or Clicks per month, week or per day.

Year comparison

Easily compare the current year with the previous year's reach. Get insight into the different brochure platforms and see if you are performing above or below.Also see the expected reach at the end of the year based on the current status.


Immerse yourself in best-performing pages and products.



Immerse yourself in best-performing pages and products.

Product insights

Select a folder and view statistics at the page level. By clicking on the KPI buttons on the left you can switch between the insights. (Clicks, CTR, Pages Read or Page Read Time).Monitor performance per page or per product interaction. If necessary, compare the same leaflet on different platforms. ( or WePublish)


See from which places the leaflet is most read. Filter by platform ( or WePublish) or by Leaflet.


Integrate questionnaires, roadmaps, chatbots and other content within advertising flyer pages.


Compare advertising flyers to find better performing modifications.



Compare advertising flyers to find better performing modifications.

Advertising flyer compare

Get even more out of your A/B testing by discovering differences at the page level. Select specific pages within the A/B test and compare them to each other.

In addition to A/B testing, it is also possible to compare different weeks. You can compare up to 2 flyers.

Advertising brochure overview

See at a glance all the leaflets you have published on, WePublish or Reclamefolder. Click on a column title to sort.

Campaign comparison

Compare one or more leaflets in a campaign period. Compare the reading behavior on your own channel, Reclamefolder and

Login to the dashboard


Log in with your own account and password

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Notice! Are you working with microsoft account? Then log out of your own account first and then log in with the WePublish account. (possibly open in incognito window)


Under Apps you will see the link to the dashboard

For WePublish customers only

Weekly update

WePublish customers receive a weekly update via email. This shows the previous week's reach across the various platforms along with page and product insights.